BREAKING: Caravan Attacks US Troops In Dead of Night

The immigrant caravan that left San Recto, Chile for the US has reached our border. According to the US Border Command Watch Sentinel Service Command Coordinating Administration, or USBCWSSCCA, the immigrants snuck into the area late at night, crossed the Rio Grande under cover of darkness, and surprised the troops waiting there to peacefully keep them in their own country of South America.

The USBCWSSCCA commander, General Art Tubolls, says they were sneaky — and violent:

“These aren’t poor refugees. They’re masterfully trained in guerilla warfare. They came into our camp and took all of the food we had stored to survive the next 2 months, including the turkey dinner President Trump had personally sent to the troops. Then they slipped back across the border and things turned ugly.”

One of the caravan’s many Middle Eastern men threw a deadly rock at one of our soldiers, causing the troops to open fire. A battle ensued, with the terrorists using everything at their disposal to harm our boys in uniform. When all was said and done, the criminals had been forced back across the river, carrying more than 40 dead. US casualties are currently at 4 dead and 2 missing. Those two are feared to have deserted rather than open fire on people throwing rocks. The four Americans killed were hit by friendly fire.

Ultimately, we prevailed, which is all that matters. The USBCWSSCCA says losses from food and damage are closing on almost four thousand dollars, a number that we should bill Mexico for.

About Flagg Eagleton 97 Articles
Flagg Eagleton is the son of an American potato farmer and a patriot. After spending 4 years in the Navy and 7 on welfare picking himself up by the bootstraps, Flagg finally got his HVAC certificate and is hard at work keeping the mobile homes of Tallahassee at a comfy 83 degrees.