An eleven-year old Florida schoolboy who invited controversy last week for refusing to stand for the daily Pledge of Allegiance has garnered the attention of an unexpected supporter: former President Barack Obama. The boy, Clifford Rammstein of Michelle Bachmann Middle School was actually taken into police custody after his teacher expressed extreme discomfort and exasperation with the rebellious student.
The boy was fined and suspended from school for two weeks, but was unexpectedly boosted today when he received a special item in the mail : an official package with the Presidential seal and the return address of the Obama compound in Hawaii. A signed photo of the Commander in Chief and a personally written letter thanking him for his “bravery” and “fortitude”. A sample :

It comes as no surprise that Obama would support an un-American protest, given his previous record of dividing the country and trying to destroy our freedoms. What does come as a surprise is that this boy hasn’t been whooped until even thinking about sitting down makes him cry for a few days. Especially in Florida, the number one state In the union for violent ass treatment.