The Democrat-controlled Congress will begin it’s session today with a vote on bill 2689-c, the brainchild of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and representative Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez. The bill would make it mandatory for any citizen with any violation of a legal statute on their record to have the trigger mechanism physically removed from any and all owned firearms. The agency responsible for trigger removals, beginning in June of 2019, would be the A.T.F., assisted by local police.

In an interview with the San Francisco Browneye yesterday, Pelosi explained the process and goal of the bill :
“In seeking to make our country safer regarding firearms, we are taking special care to honor the second amendment. Nobody is taking away any guns. Every gun owner will keep their guns. But if you’ve committed a crime, you forfeit the right to fire that gun, so we will simply confiscate the trigger until such time as we find the owner truly responsible. It’s a really good compromise, I think, and it will save American lives.”
Gun lobby activists and NRA representatives have fought against the bill, but lack the legal funds necessary to go up against a Congress strengthened by money provided by the national emergency state declared by President Trump last week. The declaration opens up a windfall for the Democrats to spend on “National security” as they see fit.

The President has not yet heard about the vote since it hasn’t yet been profiled on Fox News. Has the triple-chinned Commander in Cheese unwittingly created a monster? All we can say is that if you want to take that AR to the range anytime soon, you better not get any parking tickets.