Billionaire Charles Koch, long a steadfast Trump supporter and GOP party loyalist, has announced that he can no longer support Trump and will instead team up with well known Trump nemesis, George Soros.
With a reported combined net worth of almost 50 billion dollars, Koch and Soros will spend billions of their own money to support Joe Biden and ultimately defeat Trump.
Asked to explain the sudden turnabout, Charles Koch’s spokeswoman Sandy Batt explained:
“Mr Koch has had it with President Trump. His constant bragging about this and that, his god awful orange spray tan, and that ferret he wears on his head. He’s become a disgrace to the country. The GOP as we know it no longer exists. It has become the party of bad leadership, tired old fart jokes and overall poor hygiene. My God, have you sat next to a Republican lately? It’s disgusting!”
Reached at her office in Pittsburgh, Soros spokeswoman Lori Taylor couldn’t agree more:
“This has been a long time coming. Yinz guyz have no idea how happy we are to join forces with Charles Koch. Yinz need to join us in da ‘Burgh next weekend to celebrate n’at on the South Side! We need to redd up to win this election! All drinks and soda pop is on Soros!”
Wow. This could well be a game-changer in November. If you add Michael Bloomsberg’s billions to those of Koch and Soros, the Democrats will be very, very hard to beat this November.