A name keeps coming up in conversations on Capitol Hill among House Democrats looking to unseat Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker: Barack Obama. According to Freshman Congressmen and women, Obama is a serious contender for the role of Speaker of the House.
First, you’re probably wondering if that is any way legal since Obama is not an elected official anymore. The simple answer is: yes. The majority party elects the Speaker of the House. The Speaker may be a member of Congress, but he or she isn’t required to hold that distinction. According to Article 4 section 3 of the US Constitution:
“The Speaker of the House will be chosen by majority vote of the representatives of the People’s House. He shall be required to be nothing other than a US citizen at the time of his oath. He shall conduct all matters as head of his caucus but will retire at night to his solitude. As Speaker, he has no vote.”
So that’s what the good book says about the issue. It almost feels more like a “let the bunnies play in the sideyard kind of affair. Semper Fi and Oorah, Patriots. Flagg has officially vaped the good stuff.