Chances are, you’re headed somewhere for Thanksgiving that might be less than fun this year. With liberals working less and less and spending more time rigging elections and registering the dead to vote, you’re probably off to visit one of your kids who can’t afford to come to you because they married this loser. Maybe you have a brother, sister or Uncle who has been added to the Soros payroll. So…how do you deal with the stupid conversations you just know are going to happen?
Easy. You prepare yourself, using the Flagg Eagleton course on dealing with your libtarded brother Jeremy and his wife, Jim. First and foremost, you have to know the rules:
- Libtards will bombard you with “facts.” They will have “sources” that are NOT Fox, Breitbart or your favorite conservative local radio host. They are, therefore, mainstream lies. They have no merit and deserve no response. When a libtard says, “but it’s a fact,” you simply say, “maybe in your opinion.”
- Never, ever admit that President Trump has done anything wrong or lied. While he says some confusing things, to call him a liar would be unpatriotic. The office of the President deserves the same respect no matter who is in it, so they can keep their fancy lies and use them to cover for that criminal Obama, who sat there for eight years shredding the constitution.
- Benghazi. When crazy Brother-In-Law Lemar starts on his “Black Lives Matter’ rants, just say “Benghazi. When he gets confused, tell him that’s what happens when a black guy lets white people shape the story. If Obama was honest, those men might still be alive. Lock her up!
- You can always, at any given time, revert to your Christian roots and just pray. Nothing drives a liberal crazy more than when his conservative better finally shuts the phuck up and prays for his immortal soul.
- Make sure you’re armed with plenty of relevant facts about current events. Right now, for example, Justice John Roberts and Trey Gowdy are both on the traitor list. Roberts for being an Obama Judge and Gowdy for asking about Ivanka’s emails. What Ivanka Trump does with official Trump Administration information is nobody’s business but hers. If they want to talk emails, let’s talk Hillary Clinton. Now THAT is a criminal using a private server to traffic in drugs, weapons and even people and to run an entire shipping and crime syndicate while serving as National Secretarial Advisor and Secretary of the States.
- When they finally just shrug and look confused, because what you’re saying to them is coming out on the other end as gibberish only an idiot could understand, tell them you think the division in America is terrible and offer to give them a Keep America Great bumper sticker. Point out the stock market gains and GDP growth for a really good quarter.
If you remember the rules, you’ll be fine. It’s probably a good idea to bring some Trump merchandise to hand out. By the time they hear how good it is to be a real Nationalist like Trump, they’re gonna want to drop their miserable, minimum wage and welfare lives to join the real world where tax cuts and $52 a barrel gasoline are what really matter.
Happy Thanksgiving, Patriots, and before I forget…MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!