Rashida Tlaib is busy at work during a national crisis that is keeping most school children at home. During this time, she’s decided to swoop in and take advantage of an already terrible situation.
She wants crews to move in on these schools, they let you do that when you’re a politician, and remove all of the American flags from every classroom in Michigan.
The argument for removing flags from all K-12 classrooms is simple. First, the lawsuit cites a rise in patriotism, which they feel must be “dealt with, stat.”
They also claim there are a number of kids at school who aren’t Americans and the flag makes them feel unwelcome.
In a new lawsuit filed in Michigan’s 9th Circuit Court, the filing states:
“Now is the time to end the discriminatory practice of having American flags in the classroom. There are many children who are either not American or don’t identify as Americans in our public schools. They have a right to attend a flag-free classroom.”
In addition, the Democrat politician also says the cost of these flags will free up the budget, which will allow a more diverse school lunch menu, that includes no pork, Halal, and Kosher meals.
The goal is to have all students returning to flag-free schools by this fall. They’ve also made it optional to replace the American flags in the classrooms with Rainbow Flags. Because they say kids love rainbow colors.
A spokesperson from the Federal Department of Education Joe Barron says:
“The Federal Government really needs to remain in our lane, so we cannot get involved in state matters. Just like we can’t act as a shipping company, we cannot act as the flag police. State rights matter.”
The fear is if Michigan gets away with this, other liberal states will follow. If the majority of the states do this, then the rules apply to all.
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