Whoops. What apparently started out as some kind of “Freudian slip” at a press conference in Washington is suddenly snowballing into an S-word-load of trouble for President Trump. During the brief 20-minute long question and answer event, a reporter from Breitbart News asked why the country of Nigeria had been added to the federal watch list for entry into the United States. The President, who seemed snuffly and confused, took aside an aide, who provided a world map, and the Commander-in Chief stumbled back to the microphone with a wide face and a single word in a questioning tone, which reverberated in seconds across the internet.
The former erroneous judge of the Central Park Five was immediately attacked, with a video clip of the faux-pas going viral on YouTube within minutes, and memes popping up in social media groups soon afterwards. Staff rushed to remove the President from the situation, and spokesperson KellyAnne Conway was immediately rehydrated and made an emergency appearance on Fox News to explain the error :
“Look. While it may appear to some of the more uninformed members of the public that President Trump used a racially-sensitive slur, it’s very obvious that this whole thing is a mistake, overblown by the liberal media. The President was unfamiliar with the exact pronunciation of the word, and did what he always does – goes with his gut. He has many black friends, just so you know. Like Kanye. And the glasses doctor one he put in charge of something. Oh God, what’s his name – you know, the brain surgeon. Doctor Dre. The guy loves him. And one of those football players. Lots of them are black. One of them called him : ‘homey.’ He’s very popular in that community, and would never use the word he did on purpose. He’s, uh…sometimes…slow.”

Conway also added that Trump screened a private showing of the movie : “Black Panther” just after the conference, and gave a very positive review, stating : “So he plays basketball? He’s a basketball superhero?” An official statement will be made tomorrow.
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