In a stunning move over Easter weekend when normal Americans were celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, U.S. District Court Judge Willamet “Willy” Rhammar announced that he has restored the law licenses of Barack and Michelle Obama. Judge Rhammar is a member of the liberal 19th U.S. District Court.
Judge Rhammar was appointed by Obama in late 2008, while everyone was focused on the financial collapse. It looks like the judge took advantage of a chance to return the favor. Can you say Quid Pro Quo?
Staff Justice Correspondent Sandra Batt asked Judge Rhammar to explain why he restored the licenses:
“The Obamas have done a great job for the people of America. They are patriots. They love our country. They’re both very strong on the rule of law, very strong on their knowledge of the Constitution. They are loved in America. I thought they were treated unbelievably unfairly.
A lot of people think it was the right thing to do.”
Many patriotic Americans are justifiably outraged. Didn’t we just watch eight years of corruption happen right before our very eyes? Obamacare, Benghazi, Hillary’s emails, Uranium One, Billions of dollars to Iran, vegan school lunches, the vegetable garden at the White House, the gray suit… the list is endless.
As we previously reported, Joe Biden plans to appoint the Obamas to the two new seats he will create when expanding the Supreme Court. It appears that Biden’s corruption will pick up right where Obama’s left off and they are already laying the groundwork.
Will a day ever come when America is free of this corruption?